Outlook Organizer Error Report | Failed to find setting: xxxxxxxx

The organizer stores configuration, project and focus information (POS Data Store) in a 'future' appointment body using an XML form.

Sometimes that appointment can get corrupted, e.g. if the appointment is sync'd with a mobile phone and the body is truncated on the device.

After version 3.1.1000, you can restore the data store by:

  1. Open Project Explorer
  2. Select Tools - Options
  3. Select More Tools tab
  4. Click on 'Restore...' button

You can restore up to 10 different versions - I look for the largest version, the one with the most information and restore that version.

For versions prior to 3.1.1000, the Data Store needs to be recreated.

  1. Open Outlook - and press OK until Outlook is usable
  2. Select a calendar view
  3. On the menu, Select Go -> Go To Date...
  4. Input 7/16/2063
  5. Scoll up to midnight
  6. Delete the 'POS Storage Container'
  7. Restart Outlook

This will reset all preferences to their defaults and remove any user configured projects and focuses.

You can manually recreate the Projects using the categories in the Master Category List.

If these steps do not fix the issue, then there may be deeper issues.  In that case, you will need to Reset the Application.

  1. Start Project Explorer
  2. Select Tools - Options
  3. Select the Tools tab
  4. Click on the System Tools... button
  5. On the General tab, select the Reset... button and follow the instructions