Disconnected Outlook causes Ceptara to delete new tasks in Toodledo


I sometimes experience that My Outlook cannot connect to my exchange server.

This is not a problem for me, but i cannot create new tasks and calendar entries - I asume that due to Ceptara organizer, but this i can live with also.

However .- I create new tasks in my Toodledo account using their web-interface. These tasks are then deleted again during synchronization. This I cannot live with.

Does someone else also experience this problem and is there anything I can do about it?

Best regards


ToodleDo + Exchange

Poul -

Thanks for the feedback.

There have been a couple of folks that have experienced this.  Basically what happens: syncs occur and everything works fine.  Then Outlook loses connection to exchange while or just before a sync occurs - this implies that all the tasks have been deleted in Outlook, then the sync routine deletes the tasks in TD.  Then on the next sync cycle, the routine sees all of the tasks deleted in TD and proceeds to delete the tasks in Outlook.  No worries, because the deleted tasks are in Outlook's Deleted Items folder and can be recovered.  Not a good thing, but livable.

We're working on changing the sync routine to work with TD v2.0 API to fix this issue.  In the meantime, I recommend turning off automatic sync and sync'ing manually if there are intermittent connections to Exchange.

Sorry for any frustration.


PS - if you're using Exchange and have the Organizer loaded on multiple computers, make sure only one computer is connected to ToodleDo - if there is more than one, it can create a race condition between Exchange and ToodleDo.