FocusMe add-in has stopped loading

the FocusMe add-in has stopped loading and is showing as a Disabled Application Add-in, with the message:

Compatibility: Add-in was disabled by the user after a Data Execution Preventation failure

Tried re-enabling it but it won't and uninstalling and reinstalling FocusMe.


How to re-enable an Add-in that is hard or soft disabled

Sometimes an Outlook add-in can cause (or be blamed) for shutting down Outlook. When that occurs Outlook can soft or hard disable the add-in.

Please see this Microsoft article to re-enable the add-in:


Posting response from Andy:

I followed the posted link, but found that although it enabled the app when I restarted outlook it would revert to inactive. But following this to move the application from disabled, then reinstalling seems to have cured it.

Change Add-In Load Behavior in Registry

I had the same trouble but found this article. I tried it earlier today and seems to be working.